miércoles, 13 de junio de 2012


Education played a very important part in Nazi Germany in trying to cultivate a loyal following for Hitler and the Nazis. Nazis were aware that education would create loyal Nazis for the future. Schools were to play a critical part in developing a loyal following for Hitler. Indoctrination was to be common practice. All teaches were vetted by Nazi officials, if any teacher was considered disloyal he would be sacked.  97% joined the Nazi association. All teachers had to be careful about what they said. Children were encouraged to inform the authorities if a teacher said something that didn’t fit with the Nazi’s curriculum.
They explained the defeat of 1918 ad the work of the Jewish and Marxist spies who dad weakened the system from within. The treaty of Versailles was the work of nations jealous of Germany’s power. The inflation on 1923 was the work of Jewish saboteurs.
Biology became a study of the different races to prove that Nazi belief on racial superiority was a sound belief.
Biology and history were the main distorted areas but in all of the subjects different radical ideas were imposed.
Hitler as a dictator made sure to have the support of all the people, controlling every area of German’s society. By teaching children all this believes he ensured that when they grew up, they’d be against Jewish and Communists and he would have all the support.

By: Angelina Galvan

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